geekArticle! Quitting Time

April 16, 2009 in geekArticle!, Music


When Refused announced their breakup in 1998, it came shortly after the recording of their landmark The Shape of Punk to Come, citing that they did not want their art to become compromised. Once they issued their final manifesto, that was it. They were done, and their legacy remains over a decade later. [Quitting Time- Your Thoughts, by Anton Djamoos, AbsolutePunk] has a great discussion going on right now about why bands break up.  Refused is one of those bands that I really wish put out some more records.  However, I’m not sure they would have had the impact on music if they hadn’t broken up pre-maturely.  These days, though, bands break up left and right.  That was one of the reasons I stopped doing my music podcast, IndieUprising.  I’d get all into a band, interview them and a week later they were done.  It just got exhausting.

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