The Geek Couch: Movie Tally

The Road (2009)

IMDB, Amazon, Netflix

What I love about movies is the multitude of emotions they can bring. Some movies can be enjoyed purely on a surface level as entertainment. Others can tap deep into the emotional core of us a human beings.  John Hillcoat's adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's highly praised book, The Road is one of those films.

I hadn't heard of the book before I started seeing glimpses of a haggard looking Viggo Mortensen hit the internet. Just the look in his eyes sold me on the film. Then I read that John Hillcoat (2005's The Proposition) was directing. I was even more sold. Then I heard a portion of Nick Cave's hauntingly beautiful score. The Road was on my "must buy" list before I'd even seen it.

I made the decision not to read the novel and to go into this film blind. All my assumptions were true. Viggo Mortensen is perfect. John Hillcoat's direction is stellar. Nick Cave's score is a revelation.

However, I was blindsided by the emotional core of this story about a man and his son trying to survive the end of the world. As a father, this story had a huge impact on my personally. Not many films get that kind of reaction out of me.

The Road is a bleak film. An unrelenting film. But it's honesty, heart and emotional core make it compelling, special and highly re-watchable.

Story: ★★★★½ | Acting: ★★★★★ | Re-watch Factor: ★★★★☆

Overall Rating: ★★★★½

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