31 Days of Halloween: Slither

31 Days of Halloween: Slither

Day 10

Nathan Fillian battles space slugs!  I love Slither.  Back in 2006, James Gunn unleashed this crazy film into theaters.  2 days later, it seemed like it was out of the theaters.  So, Slither became one of my highly anticipated DVD releases then. 

Slither is pretty much Night of the Creeps mashed up with 28 Days Later and The Fly.  In fact, James Gunn claims he’s never seen Night of the Creeps.  I almost call bullshit on that, but Slither is such a good time it actually makes for a great double feature with Night of the Creeps.

If you haven’t seen Slither, it’s well worth a watch.  Even though the CG space slugs look pretty poor, Slither is oozy, gory fun with everything else being practical effects.  It’s a charming and gross horror/comedy that I’ll be continuing to watch periodically.  Hopefully we see this on Blu Ray soon.