Battlefield Earth Scribe Publicly Apologizes For Writing the “Worst Movie of Decade”

Battlefield Earth Scribe Publicly Apologizes For Writing the “Worst Movie of Decade”

Let me start by apologizing to anyone who went to see “Battlefield Earth.”

It wasn’t as I intended — promise. No one sets out to make a train wreck. Actually, comparing it to a train wreck isn’t really fair to train wrecks, because people actually want to watch those.

Writer J. D. Shapiro penned an open letter to the NY Post following his acceptance of his Razzie Award for Battlefield Earth as the “Worst Movie of the Decade.” The letter is a lighthearted, yet heart felt apology to anyone who saw the movie.  It also gives us a peek behind the curtain of Scientology and the movie making process.

On Scientology:

I researched Scientology before signing on to the movie, to make sure I wasn’t making anything that would indoctrinate people. I took a few courses, including the Purification Rundown, or Purif. You go to CC every day, take vitamins and go in and out of a sauna so toxins are released from your body. You’re supposed to reach an “End Point.” I never did, but I was bored so I told them I had a vision of L. Ron. They said, “What did he say?” “Pull my finger,” was my response. They said I was done.

On the movie making process:

My script was very, VERY different than what ended up on the screen. My screenplay was darker, grittier and had a very compelling story with rich characters. What my screenplay didn’t have was slow motion at every turn, Dutch tilts, campy dialogue, aliens in KISS boots, and everyone wearing Bob Marley wigs.

Head over to NY  Post Online and read the letter.  It’s a fun and eye opening read.  I almost have a new found respect for Battlefield Earth, maybe I’ll go out and buy it for $1.  Maybe not.